Below are links to Mifuko Trust's project documents.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide comprehensive information on ecological dry toilet construction for households, constructors and NGOs working in WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) related activities in Makueni and Machakos counties in Kenya. The handbook compiles together all the necessary information needed to select, budget, construct and maintain an ecological dry toilet. The focus of the handbook is on toilet models that are suitable for the use of a single household.

Dhumuni la kitabu hiki ni kutoa mwongozo
na taarifa za kina kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa choo
kikavu cha kiikolojia kwa kaya, mafundi na
mashirika ya kijamii yanayofanya miradi au
kutoa huduma za maji na usafi wa mazingira
katika kaunti za Makueni na Machakos nchini
Kenya. Mwongozo huu umekusanya taarifa
zote za muhumu zitakazosaidia kuchagua,
kubajeti, kujenga na kurekebisaha vyoo vikavu
vya kiikolojia. Mwongozo umelenga hasa
mitindo ya vyoo vinavyofaa kutumika kwenye
kaya moja moja.
Mifuko Trust Blog

Four Stories from Mifuko Trust

Small Actions, Big Changes

Elina Sipilä Concludes Her Intership at Mifuko Trust
Contact details

Hämeentie 130 A
00560 Helsinki, Finland
Business ID: 2744748-6
The Board of Directors
Minna Impiö (Chairperson)
Vilma Autio
Henrik Suikkanen
Mari Martikainen

Mifuko Trust staff
Project Manager in Finland
Anita Lintula
+358 45 783 430 62
Communications and Fundraising Coordinator in Finland
Elina Sipilä
Project Manager in Kenya
Peter Manyolo
+254 713 874 752
Project Officer in Kenya
Jacinta Peter
+254 701 561 414