Handwoven Mifuko shoulder bags are perfect for everyday use. They are great for shopping, the market, the beach, picnics or any occasion where you need a stylish and spacious bag. The long leather straps make them easy to carry on your shoulder, with plenty of room for essentials and new purchases.
Our market baskets are both fashionable and practical: use the basket as a carrier, shopping bag or storage basket. Mifuko market baskets are strong enough to carry even heavy shopping and the sturdy leather handles make carrying the basket easy and comfortable.
Fashion inspiration
Shopper baskets
Shopper baskets are ideal for shopping, the market, the beach, picnics or any occasion where you need a stylish and spacious bag.
Market baskets
Market baskets have sturdy leather handles making them ideal for shopping or storage.
Canvas bags & accessories
Sturdy canvas bags are perfect for the gym or a weekend trip, because they are roomy enough to hold all your sports gear or essentials.
Gift ideas for the fashionista
Gift ideas for someone with passion for fashion.